Category Archives: Computers and Internet

Yeah, I am still here… life goes on


I know, I’ve been gone nearly a month. Which isn’t really remarkable these days, I suppose. Back when I first started blogging – forever ago – back in the Windows Live Spaces days (wow, right?!) –  I used to post every day. I also got a lot more viewers and comments, so of course that encouraged me to keep it up… here, not so much. Very few people drop by to read… although I do feel a deep connection with the few of you who do!  I guess I’ve been a bit too “Debbie Downer” without being, I dunno, really dark and interesting or something… I guess I’ve just sounded whiney. Oh, and I hate whiney! I forbade my daughter to use whiney on me, yet here I am.  So I just don’t get the traffic I did in the “old days”.   sigh

I am thinking I may try a new tack… less whine, more – interesting? But maybe I just won’t blog at all. I haven’t really decided what I am up for.  Trying to make changes in my “offline” life is hard enough; we will see just how much energy I have left over and what I can accomplish.

In the meantime, though, just wanted to let anyone who might happen by to know I haven’t decided to end it all… well, I mean, my life, that is… I might end the blog… but I will carry on. With the living and all.


Must’ve been a Murphy’s Law kinda thing


In my last post I said I would try to look at the good things, the positive things going on in my life.

 So, it was just a few minutes later that Kiki and I managed to dump a glass of water over my laptop.  Yeah.  Then there was a big sizzle and that was that.  I sort of had a meltdown then.  Really.  As in, I scared myself because I freaked out so bad about it.  Yup.  It was bad. Fetal position on the bed.  Doubly bad (is that proper grammar?) because all the information for our business is on our laptop.  All my photos. Our life. 

Well, Alan saved my bacon… oooh, bacon… yummm…  oh!  I’m back – anyway, he fixed it.  So far, so good.  I still worry about it. 

But I’m okay now!  Not in a straight-jacket or anything… although I’m pretty sure I may be headed that way.

However…. Back to the dog – So, my dog is a good dog.  Totally well-behaved.  Never does anything naughty.  She’s kinda dumb, but sweet.  My parents’ dog, however, is another story.  He is like a 3 year old toddler.  As in, a pain in the boot-ay. 

He likes bread. Okay, he likes all food, but bread is the one thing he’ll steal out of the pantry.  If we don’t shut the pantry door when we leave chances are that when we get home we’ll find empty bread bags on the floor.  I guess we should just be thankful he doesn’t eat the plastic bags, huh? Well, the other day my parents both left, but I was home on the computer.  Now, I would’ve guessed that the dog lays around, bored, and after some length of time gets bored enough that he starts wondering “hmmm, is there any bread?”  It would seem I was wrong, because the second that my folks walked out the door, I heard a rustling in the pantry, and when I looked up, here came the dog with a brand new bag of bagels in his mouth!  The best part was the look on his face when I yelled at him!  Oh my gosh, it was hilarious – that deer-in-the-headlights look because he had absolutely no idea that anyone was home!!    Busted!!

Yeah.  That was a good day.

                         Good Dog.

              Bad Dog.

What’s the deal?


I’m so sorry for my sporadic posts.  When I first started blogging… years ago!… I was pretty good about writing a little something every day.  Then – well, there were life changes and blog site changes and on and on…. and it just sort of fell by the wayside.  Partly it’s due to the fact I don’t have a good place to get on my computer.  Which now seems like a lame excuse, since I have a laptop, I mean, I could take it anywhere…. but here at home, my parents really think time on the computer is time wasted, so unless I want to sit in my room on my bed and type, I feel like I’m observed and judged.  Guess I should schedule a daily SBUX run with the computer… but then I have to explain where I’m going… geez, I hate feeling like a kid again! Another reason for not posting is my daily struggle with that dark cloud of depression.  I mean, I’m okay enough to realize y’all probably don’t want to hear one long whiny rant after another (like the one about my sister!  Ooh, and I have some insight on that issue… more on that later). But on the other hand, I feel like I have more to complain about than to gush about…. which is probably untrue but there’s that depression talking!  And now, to be completely truthful, there is one more reason.  I think… I mean, probably… yeah, it’s true…. that when I first started blogging I hoped I’d get all sorts of followers and that my blog would become popular and maybe I’d even get some ads on it eventually and become rich and famous.  I’ll admit it.  I wanted that.  And at first, when I was over at my other server site and started, I was actually featured – like a “fresh pressed” here on WP, and I was getting a few people reading… but, then, it never really happened.  You know?  So I think there is a disappointment attached to my blogging life.  Which is weird, I suppose… here you are, writing about your personal stuff, and you hope a ton of people read it.  That’s kind of strange when you think about it.  I should be writing about… I don’t know, weird cakes or cats or something and maybe it would’ve worked better.  Maybe I was just hoping for a little – help?  People to say I’m not as crazy as I feel?  That I’m not alone in a world of billions?

Hmm.  I don’t know.  I wish I had more answers than questions.  And my life really isn’t all that horrid when I put it in perspective, but that can be hard some days.  I know you understand that, right?

Well, it’s a beautiful day here – the sun is shining, I think the temp is going to be over 45 degrees today (yeah, it went from the hot 80’s one week to downright freezing here!) but this week is supposed to be ‘real’ autumn weather (like, 60’s and 70’s) and that is one thing I love.  Pretty, colorful, crunchy leaves to walk through.  Crisp air.  Yumm.  Have a lovely weekend!

Just an explanation…


In case you are wondering what the latest pictures are all about… There is this website called “Polyvore”.  It’s a fashion website, basically, and you can make these collages.  I started basically because my daughter is crazy about it, and she wanted me to do it, too…. and besides, then I can keep an eye on what’s she’s doing! 

It’s quite a bit of fun, actually.  Maybe a bit of a time-waster, sure, but fun.  Try it for yourself!

Alright, now I’m getting irritated with WordPress


I was adding a post, linking to another blogger’s post that was very relevant to me for today – it asked me a question, (“it” being WordPress I suppose, I don’t really even know!) I answered it as well as I could (I guess I really didn’t understand what it was asking me) and now I’ve lost the ability to ‘link’ to another site… and for the life of me I can’t figure out how to fix it.  Dang.

Hellpppp me!!

Can anyone tell me again the name of the blog space here that tells all kinds of hints and helps on how to use Windows Live Spaces?  Because I am trying to do some things that I am just not figuring out… I could use a little help! 
Thanks y’all!

Where are my photo albums???

I seem to have lost about half of my space’s photo albums!!  Where in the heck could they have gone??  What is up with this crazy space??! 
Oh…they’re back now….sheesz….
And – they’re gone again…weird stuff happening here.  Well, I hope Spaces gets it all worked out soon.
Ooh!  I have a very funny story to tell…. I’ll title it something like "Yes, my husband is a dork, lol"…but right now, we’re going out to dinner!  And someone else is paying!  Double Yay!! 

A question about my Photos

I noticed something weird today, and I need some help from you out there….. this morning I came to my space without signing in first, and I noticed a bunch of my photo albums don’t show up.  In fact, my older albums all show the same date… Sept. 22… everything I’ve added since then doesn’t show up…unless I’m signed in.  So if you out there would post a quick comment on what/how you can see my photo albums, I’d really appreciate it!   Maybe an email to ‘Spaces’ general is in order…. Thank you in advance for clueing me in!